Rocky five….
…thousand!!! (Reference from Spaceballs as a hint about doing the same bloody movie over and over again.)
I’ve wondered for a while now when the next new hit-movie was going to surface but when scanning the horizon all I’ve seen have been re-runs and follow-ups. Nothing new, nothing exciting and chances are that any new groundbreaking movie will sadly drown in amongst all these re-runs… It’s like Hollywood just run out of ideas and are now churning out copies of what they did last year. And the year before that. And the year before that. And so on…
Here is a selection of the 2017 movie lineup. (ok, some will be in 2018…) Re-runs and follow-ups galore – and the list isn’t even far from complete!
Alien Covenant
Avatar 2
Beetlejuice 2 (this might be fake)
Chucky 7
Deadpool 2
Despicable Me 3
Divergent – Ascendant
Fast and the Furious 8
Friday the 13:th
Guardians of the Galaxy 2
Incredibles 2
Iron Man 4 (rumoured)
Pirates of the Caribbean Dead Men Tell No Tales
Power Rangers
Resident Evil: The Final Chapter
Spider Man
The Croods 2
The Hunger Games: The Dark Days
The Lego Batman Movie
The Maze Runner: The Death Cure
The Nut Job 2
Thor Ragnarök
Toy Story 4
War for the Planet of the Apes
Wonder Woman
World War Z 2
XXX: Return of Xander Cage
Don’t get me wrong – some of these movies are going to be great, and the kids will surely love both the new Lego movie and the sequel of Incredibles, and who doesn’t love Despicable Me? But – is it so hard to come up with new characters and plots? The Marvel universe has passed its best-before-date imho and it’s getting a bit boring actually… How many more Iron Man will be exciting? (even if they kill Tony Stark and put Harley Keener in the “suit”…) Avengers? X-Men spinoffs? Even Pirates of the Caribbean has lost its magic…
Ok, some movies does deserve a sequel like Deadpool, The LEGO Movie and the Alien prequel saga to mention a few, but XXX: Return of Xander Cage? Come on! No inspiration at all over there?
Please Hollywood – have a few parties for the script writers (and perhaps throw in some drugs or something 😉 ) because they badly need some inspiration to come up with something new! Movies shouldn’t be just rinse and repeat – it should be innovative and creative! I doubt the screenwriters enjoy these re-runs as much as trying to come up with something new? I as an audience would like something fresh and new every now and then, not just copy & paste.
Oh, albeit complaining about “copy & paste” and all the criticism I just did – Please, please, please, PLEASE Daniel Craig – do another two James Bond movies! We understand that each movie does take the better part of a whole year to shoot, and that it must be pretty bad with regards to having a family life, but apart from the money – two more Bond films and you’ll never have to check your bank account ever again in your life – please do it for us fans! (like Daniel Craig is going to read this post… :p ) I’ve always held Sean Connery as THE James Bond, but you took it to a whole new level and I wish we could see you in another two Bond movies with a new plot. The Bond franchise is exempt from the “rinse & repeat” criticism. It just is!
So, apart from James Bond – which shouldn’t change anything – please Hollywood, do something new!
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