Upphörande av sommartid, del 2.
Jag har under många år försökt få Sverige att sluta upp med sommartid eftersom det är en gammal kvarleva från gamla dumheter som helt saknar funktion. Tvärtom ställer det bara till med problem och oreda – inte minst för våra små som går i skola och skall lära sig! Våra djur blir förvånade när rutinerna helt plötsligt ändras och hur talar man om för en uppsättning mjölkkor att nu skall de mjölkas en timme tidigare/senare? Antalet...
WCry (Wana Decryptor) ransomware hits hard around the world
Wana Decryptor hits hard The last 24 hours have been anything but exciting after country upon country have reported about massive ransomware attacks. Most notable are NHS (National Health Service), UK and Telefonica, Spain. The sad part of the story is that this vulnerability was patched by Microsoft back in March… The vulnerability in question, or rather the hack they used, is EternalBlue which was a part of the leaked NSA hack...
Car hacking – myth, fantasy or reality?
Car hacking – myth, fantasy or reality? I was recently asked by an investigative reporter if there were any cars that were safe from hacking and apart from suggesting an old Volvo 142 I wasn’t able to give him a simple answer because I haven’t really researched this area properly. We’ve all seen reports in media how some cars are/were vulnerable to mostly physical attacks, but in a few rare cases there were a...
Vault 7, Year Zero – what’s been leaked so far + NSA hack. Part 2
Vault 7, Year Zero part 2. We’ve so far had a total of five releases from Wikileaks under the name of “Vault 7” and although it’s all pretty much just documentation one can still work out the innards and its impact. Most of it are old hacks and technologies but some were still current – as we saw when the likes of Microsoft and Apple quickly released large patches in order to fix some of the most...
Vault 7, Year Zero – stolen CIA hacker tools and current affairs. Part 1.
Vault 7, Year Zero Unless you live under a rock, none could’ve missed the headlines in the news stating the fact that a bunch of documents and hacking tools, stolen from CIA, had been handed over to Wikileaks who now released the first part in a partly censored form. It was censored to hide the identities of the CIA staff but also censored in order to not spread the actual tools of the trade that allowed the likes of CIA, GCHQ...
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