Upphörande av sommartid, del 2.

Upphörande av sommartid, del 2.

Jag har under många år försökt få Sverige att sluta upp med sommartid eftersom det är en gammal kvarleva från gamla dumheter som helt saknar funktion. Tvärtom ställer det bara till med problem och oreda – inte minst för våra små som går i skola och skall lära sig! Våra djur blir förvånade när rutinerna helt plötsligt ändras och hur talar man om för en uppsättning mjölkkor att nu skall de mjölkas en timme tidigare/senare? Antalet...

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IoT and (lack of) security?

IoT and (lack of) security?

Internet of Things, Distributed Denial of Service – botnet script kiddies or more sinister players? I doubt few missed the massive outage a few days ago when Dyn’s DNS service was rendered useless by a massive DDoS attack. What made it worse is that many of the big players (Twitter, PSN, GitHub etc) had put all their eggs in the same basket and had no alternate DNS and thus disappeared on the internet. I for one...

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pentest for dummies – WarBerry on Raspberry Pi

pentest for dummies – WarBerry on Raspberry Pi

a working pentest for dummies in a little box! Stumbled across a neat little project on Reddit the other day and I liked it so much I wanted to share!     Pentesting is something I’ve been doing for many years, and although a lot can be automated – much is manual work. That’s how I do it anyway, and that has always given me full control and the ability to act upon whatever I find throughout the session. The...

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Goodbye AVG – and why…

Goodbye AVG – and why…

A story on how AVG went from hero to zero in less than a year…   I’ve been an avid user of AVG since the very beginning – 1997 to be more exact – when Grisoft started to sell licenses in UK. Back then it was the best by far anti-virus solution for Windows. I must’ve recommended it to hundreds of people throughout the years and the number of computers I’ve installed it on is vast, but here ends this...

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I’m back – and with a new layout and hosting!

I’m back – and with a new layout and hosting!

Hi Everyone – it’s been a very long time since I posted anything here… Sorry about that. I outgrew the wordpress.org hosted solution and until I knew what was going to work for me in the future I stopped working with something that might have been discarded in the end, and here we are – now hosted on own server and with NO limitation of what can be done! (let’s not forget that I’m also a developer...

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Timstock Slim™ – uppdatering 4

Timstock Slim™ – uppdatering 4

Av någon anledning tog det osedvanligt lång tid för kretskorten att komma fram från fabriken i USA denna gången, men så brukar det vara när man väntar på något man helst av allt egentligen ville ha redan i går… Hur som, 3 st låg i ett kuvert och nu var det dags att testa om jag hade tänkt rätt och om min elektroniska design var rätt? Jag har ingen formell utbildning inom elektronik och det var 2012 när jag var sjukskriven som...

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