This is the story about the anti-hero that still saves the day and get the girl in the end! Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation and Marvel Entertainment are certainly scraping the barrel now as a last and final resort to cash in whatever’s left to cash in after Iron Man, Captain America and the rest of the Avengers are about to reach their respective best-before-dates. This was blatantly obvious with “Ant Man” and...
The 5th Wave
Alien invasion and kids try to save the planet, or whatever it was supposed to be?… Some time ago I read an early review about The 5th Wave that it was supposed to be an “yet another alien invasion movie – but this one catered for the family as the audience, and blood & gore was replaced by exciting acting and brave kids! It didn’t exactly register on my “next-to-watch” movie but there...
X-Files Season 10 – we’re back!
Two FBI agents, Fox Mulder the believer and Dana Scully the skeptic, investigate the strange and unexplained while hidden forces work to impede their efforts. The TV-series X-Files with Mulder and Scully is finally(?) back after a 13 year long hiatus, and it required quite a lot of demand and money I guess… So why the question mark then next to the word “finally”? Honestly, I was sceptical to this as soon as it was...
Inside Out
Inside Out – a movie about the feelings inside… and their constant conflicts… I saw the trailer for Inside Out prior to its release and I have to say it didn’t register. If I had known it was a Pixar movie I would’ve seen it earlier but I must’ve missed that information and quickly forgot about it. A few days ago I stumbled upon a review of Inside Out and it had scored 5 out of 5 – so after a...
I’m back – and with a new layout and hosting!
Hi Everyone – it’s been a very long time since I posted anything here… Sorry about that. I outgrew the hosted solution and until I knew what was going to work for me in the future I stopped working with something that might have been discarded in the end, and here we are – now hosted on own server and with NO limitation of what can be done! (let’s not forget that I’m also a developer...
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